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Mother's Day

Clear Acrylic Sheet - 12" x 24", 0.125" thick

Item # 181572058140262486

Clear Acrylic Sheet - 12" x 24", 0.125" thick
Clear Acrylic Sheet - 12" x 24", 0.125" thick
Clear Acrylic Sheet - 12" x 24", 0.125" thick

Clear Acrylic Sheet - 12" x 24", 0.125" thick

Item # 181572058140262486

Non-breakable, lightweight material that can be cut, drilled, buffed, cemented, sanded, beveled, texured, formed and painted. For furniture, sculpture, product displays, signs, picture frames, etc. - Clear Acrylic Sheet - 12" x 24", 0.125" thickAcrylic Sheets, 12INX24INX1/8IN -