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Freckled Fae

Hi friends, Welcome to my little world where art and nature collide. I absolutely love painting furry, feathery, slimy, scaly earth angels. Whimsical woodland wonders is how I also like to describe them. Mediums I enjoy working with bounce between acrylic, oil, and gouache paint as well as block printing and stamp carving for creating tote bags, bandanas, and wall art. Coming soon with be my absolute favorite Tea Blends I hand craft for overall wellness. Keep a lookout.. dropping soon! Thank you for visiting my shop today! ✨🖤✨

Hi friends, Welcome to my little world where art and nature collide. I absolutely love painting furry, feathery, slimy, scaly earth angels. Whimsical woodland wonders is how I also like to describe them. Mediums I enjoy working with bounce between acrylic, oil, and gouache paint as well as block printing and stamp carving for creating tote bags, bandanas, and wall art. Coming soon with be my absolute favorite Tea Blends I hand craft for overall wellness. Keep a lookout.. dropping soon! Thank you for visiting my shop today! ✨🖤✨

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Katie M