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Kallie Simcha Art

Hi, I’m Kallie, and welcome to Kallie Simcha Art! I am a mixed-media artist that creates based on mood or random stroke of inspiration. My art consists of oil, acrylic, watercolor, graphite, charcoal, oil pastels, and digital; with occasional textile pieces and wine charms. I love what I do, and I work hard to have it reflect in my pieces. I had started drawing at a very young age; and one day at school, my first grade Teacher had taken notice of my drawings, and after telling my parents and principal, I started competing and doing commissions for water parks, racetracks, and businesses all before graduating high school. Because of negative life events, and a need to raise my family, I had regretfully walked away from the art world for almost 20 years. For 6 months, a growing, nagging feeling that “something was missing” came to the forefront, after many tears and soul searching… I decided it was time to come back. The reception I have been receiving on social media as been nothing short of humbling. I have made the right choice. I am back where I belong.

Hi, I’m Kallie, and welcome to Kallie Simcha Art! I am a mixed-media artist that creates based on mood or random stroke of inspiration. My art consists of oil, acrylic, watercolor, graphite, charcoal, oil pastels, and digital; with occasional textile pieces and wine charms. I love what I do, and I work hard to have it reflect in my pieces. I had started drawing at a very young age; and one day at school, my first grade Teacher had taken notice of my drawings, and after telling my parents and principal, I started competing and doing commissions for water parks, racetracks, and businesses all before graduating high school. Because of negative life events, and a need to raise my family, I had regretfully walked away from the art world for almost 20 years. For 6 months, a growing, nagging feeling that “something was missing” came to the forefront, after many tears and soul searching… I decided it was time to come back. The reception I have been receiving on social media as been nothing short of humbling. I have made the right choice. I am back where I belong.

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Kallie S

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