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Artfix Linen Canvas, Extra-Fine, Linen 6 Coats, Universal Primer, 85 in. x 10.9 yds.

Item # 254570636342018064

Artfix Linen Canvas, Extra-Fine, Linen 6 Coats, Universal Primer, 85 in. x 10.9 yds.
Artfix Linen Canvas, Extra-Fine, Linen 6 Coats, Universal Primer, 85 in. x 10.9 yds.
Artfix Linen Canvas, Extra-Fine, Linen 6 Coats, Universal Primer, 85 in. x 10.9 yds.

Artfix Linen Canvas, Extra-Fine, Linen 6 Coats, Universal Primer, 85 in. x 10.9 yds.

Item # 254570636342018064

The secret to Artfix's exceptional quality and smooth surface lies in their unique protective formula that isolates each individual fiber. This sealant prevents the acid in oil-based primers from penetrating and destroying the canvas over time. After the sealant is applied, as many as four layers of oil-based or universal (acrylic) primer are applied, ensuring that paint will permanently adhere to the canvas without cracking, peeling or flaking when utilizing professionally accepted standards. Artfix offers a conservator-grade painting surface that, when treated properly, preserves finished art century after century. It is this close attention to detail that makes Artfix a premium product for artists.

The linen features the longest natural thread (fewer knots). Linen's pH stability is far superior to cotton, whose vulnerability to external and internal acids compromises its permanence. Artfix is double sized for protection against oil paints, allowing uniform "breathing" which reduces paint film stress.