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Artfix Polyester Canvas, Fine Close, 4 Coats, Universal Acrylic Primed, 85 in. x 10.9 yds.

Item # 194737515236835336

Artfix Polyester Canvas, Fine Close, 4 Coats, Universal Acrylic Primed, 85 in. x 10.9 yds.
Artfix Polyester Canvas, Fine Close, 4 Coats, Universal Acrylic Primed, 85 in. x 10.9 yds.
Artfix Polyester Canvas, Fine Close, 4 Coats, Universal Acrylic Primed, 85 in. x 10.9 yds.

Artfix Polyester Canvas, Fine Close, 4 Coats, Universal Acrylic Primed, 85 in. x 10.9 yds.

Item # 194737515236835336

The secret to Artfix's exceptional quality, smooth surface and luminous undertones lies in their unique protective formula that isolates each individual fiber. This sealant prevents the acid in oil-based primers from penetrating and destroying the canvas over time. After the sealant is applied, as many as four layers of oil-based or universal (acrylic) primer are applied, ensuring that paint will permanently adhere to the canvas without cracking, peeling or flaking when utilizing professionally accepted standards. Artfix offers a conservator-grade painting surface that, when treated properly, preserves finished art century after century. It is this close attention to detail that makes Artfix a premium product for artists.Artfix polyester offers a stable modern surface that is unaffected by moisture, therefore it experiences less temperature related expansion and contraction than linen and cotton. Polyester can be spun to create a super fine thread, resulting in flawless, fine surfaces. Canvas is