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Rourke Educational Media Playing and Learning Together Kate Is so, SO Mad! Reader

Item # 195401115264139280

Rourke Educational Media Playing and Learning Together Kate Is so, SO Mad! Reader
Rourke Educational Media Playing and Learning Together Kate Is so, SO Mad! Reader
Rourke Educational Media Playing and Learning Together Kate Is so, SO Mad! Reader

Rourke Educational Media Playing and Learning Together Kate Is so, SO Mad! Reader

Item # 195401115264139280

Kate is mad. Boiling mad! Can she find a way to cool down? In Playing and Learning Together: Kate Is so, SO Mad!, beginning readers will learn positive approaches for handling angry emotions.

This illustrated picture book series, Playing and Learning Together, features social/emotional issues as plot drivers. Youngsters are introduced to a variety of experiences, while caregivers are given a jumping off point for discussing and guiding their child's social/emotional development.